Data Quality Disclaimer

The outcomes shown on this site are based on state submitted data to comply with Section 116(d)(4) of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and represent only a portion of the data the states submitted. The policies and procedures for data collection and data quality assurances may vary from state to state and the U.S. Department of Labor cannot control or guarantee the accuracy or completeness of this outside information.

States are required to publish Eligible Training Provider Reports, which means that individual state websites may provide more detailed information about providers than the information here. Previous outcomes are not a guarantee of future performance and the Department does not guarantee these results can or will be achieved by other participants in the WIOA program.

Users of this site, please also note the following:

  • Not all types of training are appropriate for every person. While the outcome measures listed on this site represent three of the primary WIOA performance accountability measures, there may be other benefits to the training. Participants are encouraged to work with their American Job Center staff to identify the training services most appropriate for their unique situation.
  • Not all training providers will be represented on the site for the following reasons:
    • The information Eligible Training Providers reported may be suppressed to protect the personally identifiable information of training participants.
    • Eligible Training Providers that did not serve participants during the reporting period may not be included on this website.
    • Newly added Eligible Training Providers may not have data available at the time of reporting.
    • Some training providers, such as those providing certain work-based training, may not be required to report data for the Eligible Training Provider Reports.