CIP: {{$item._source.field_cip_code | limitTo:10}} ... {{$item._source.field_search_api_aggregation_2 | limitTo:10}}{{$item._source.field_search_api_aggregation_2.length >= 10 ? '...' : '}} {{$ | limitTo:10}}{{$ >= 10 ? '...' : ''}} {{item._source.field_search_api_aggregation_2}} {{item._source.field_search_api_aggregation_2}} at {{item._source.field_etp}} {{item._source.field_search_api_aggregation_1}} {{$item._source.field_search_api_aggregation_2 | limitTo:10}} ... {{$ | limitTo:10}} ... {{item._source.field_search_api_aggregation_2}} {{item._source.field_search_api_aggregation_2}} at {{item._source.field_etp}} {{item._source.field_search_api_aggregation_1}}
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    This Program Provider
    National Average
    {{x._source.field_program_name | limitTo:65}}

    {{x._source.field_city}}, {{x._source.field_state}} | Online{{calcCrow(x._source.field_lat,x._source.field_lon,,coords2.lng) | number:1}} miles away

    Completion Rate

    This program:


    {{x._source.field_c_completed_percent * 100 | number:0}}%

    National average:


    {{nationalData._source.field_c_completed_percent * 100 | number:0}}%

    Employment Rate

    This program:


    {{x._source.field_c_q2_employment_percent * 100 | number:0}}%

    National average:


    {{nationalData._source.field_c_q2_employment_percent * 100 | number:0}}%

    Three Months Earnings

    This program:


    {{x._source.field_c_median_earnings / 1000 | currency:undefined:1}}K

    National average:


    {{nationalData._source.field_c_median_earnings / 1000 | currency:undefined:1}}K

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    {{x._source.field_etp | limitTo:65}}...

    {{x._source.field_city}}, {{x._source.field_state}} | {{calcCrow(x._source.field_lat,x._source.field_lon,,coords2.lng) | number:1}} miles away

    Completion Rate

    {{x._source.field_c_completed_percent * 100 | number:0}}%

    {{nationalData._source.field_c_completed_percent * 100 | number:0}}%

    Employment Rate

    {{x._source.field_c_q2_employment_percent * 100 | number:0}}%

    {{nationalData._source.field_c_q2_employment_percent * 100 | number:0}}%

    Three Months Earnings

    {{x._source.field_c_median_earnings / 1000 | currency:undefined:1}}K

    {{nationalData._source.field_c_median_earnings / 1000 | currency:undefined:1}}K

    Sorry! We couldn't recognize where you wanted to search.
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    Completion Rate Employment Rate Three Months Earnings
    * {{x._source.field_c_completed_percent * 100 | number:0}}% * {{x._source.field_c_q2_employment_percent * 100 | number:0}}% * {{x._source.field_c_median_earnings | currency:undefined:0}}


    Program Approved by: {{x._source.field_reportingstate}}

    {{x._source.field_city}}, {{x._source.field_state}} | Online {{calcCrow(x._source.field_lat,x._source.field_lon,,coords2.lng) | number:1}} miles away
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    Completion Rate Employment Rate Three Months Earnings
    * {{x._source.field_c_completed_percent * 100 | number:0}}% {{x._source.field_c_wioa_completed_percent * 100 | number:0}}% * {{x._source.field_c_q2_employment_percent * 100 | number:0}}% * {{x._source.field_c_median_earnings | currency:undefined:0}}
    {{x._source.field_city}}, {{x._source.field_state}}


    {{x._source.field_city}}, {{x._source.field_state}} | {{calcCrow(x._source.field_lat,x._source.field_lon,,coords2.lng) | number:1}} miles away

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    {{x._source.field_city}}, {{x._source.field_state}} | Online {{calcCrow(x._source.field_lat,x._source.field_lon,,coords2.lng) | number:1}} miles away

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    Completion Rate Employment Rate
    * {{x._source.field_c_completed_percent * 100 | number:0}}% * {{x._source.field_c_q2_employment_percent * 100 | number:0}}%
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    {{x._source.field_city}}, {{x._source.field_state}} | {{calcCrow(x._source.field_lat,x._source.field_lon,,coords2.lng) | number:1}} miles away
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    Average Completion Rate Average Employment Rate
    * {{x._source.field_c_completed_percent * 100 | number:0}}% * {{x._source.field_c_q2_employment_percent * 100 | number:0}}%

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      Data on this website reflect training programs approved to be on states’ ETP list as of June 30, 2023, covering the period from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2023. Note that for the period from July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2021, more than 30 states received a waiver of the requirement to collect and report data on “all students” in a program of study. Program year (PY) 2021 (July 1, 2021-June 30, 2022) represents the first year for which all states were required to collect and report “all student” data. ETA notes that a small number of states experienced submission and quality issues for the PY 2022 report.* Overall data quality has improved each year since eligible training program data was collected and the Employment and Training Administration will continue to provide support and oversight to states in order to fulfill its mission to provide quality data for users to make informed decisions. States’ prior and current waiver approvals are available at
      *Data on are suppressed from public view when any of the following occur:
      (1) Data submitted for the program contains sample sizes that are too small to protect Personally Identifiable Information (PII);
      (2) No data were reported for the program; or
      (3) The Department identified significant data quality issues with the state submitted data.
      States with known data quality concerns include the following: Colorado, New Hampshire, New Jersey, and New York. Data from such states largely remains available on

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